‘Wheelchair activity’ included in Strava challenge!

Strava has been mentioned in our Social Chats quite a lot over the past few weeks, and now we’re super happy to see that its June – July Walk Challenge includes ‘wheelchair activity’ as an eligible form of exercise!

The challenge is as follows:

  • Monday 1st June 2020 – Sunday 26th July 2020
  • Complete a walk, hike or wheelchair activity twice a week for 8 weeks

To take part in the challenge, you’ll need to download the Strava app via the App Store (Apple users) or the Google Play store (Android users). Once downloaded, you’ll need to make an account using your email address, and then you’re ready to go!

For those of you who will be taking part in the challenge, or are staying active outdoors during lockdown, we have one small favour to ask…

Please send us your thoughts about any issues you encounter with the quality of walking/wheeling/cycling environments.

For example, you may like to walk/wheel/cycle somewhere but cannot because of a barrier, missing cut cub or cars blocking the path. If you experience anything like this, please take a photo of the issue and send it to our Campaigns & Policy Officer (heidi@wheelsforwellbeing.org.uk) so that we can campaign for improvements!

Equally, if you find somewhere with very few barriers for walking/wheeling/cycling, please write to us and say why it’s so good. We can then use it as an example of best practice that we quote when campaigning for the improvement of other places!

News archive

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