What do we discuss during our Zoom Social Chats?

If you would like to join Wheels for Wellbeing’s ‘Zoom Social Chats’ on Mondays at 11am, please email emma@wheelsforwellbeing.org.uk

As the weeks have gone by, the regulars of the Social Chats are really beginning to get to know each other, so much so that we’re now comfortable discussing a national problem: hair. When do hairdressers and barbers open? Herne Hill Session Manager Emma, who hosts the weekly Social Chats, says that hers is either just an unruly mess or under a helmet most of the time.

Interesting topics of last week’s Social Chat included campaigning (did you know there’s a campsite next to Crystal Palace Park?), sleep, parties, dogs – or rather the issue of dogs when you’re cycling – ice hockey for Disabled people and of course, cycling.

We’ve lent out our cycles during the lockdown, which one of our regular Social Chat attendees and carer Dayo has made the most of. He and his client have been on all sorts of adventures, including the Queen Elizabeth Park in Stratford two weeks ago. The Park is a great place to cycle, and you can cycle along canals and rivers if you’re coming from south London. Take a look here for picturesque and largely road-free routes within London

Also during the Social Chat, we heard about Grant’s military background. The Wheels for Wellbeing team was able to be a part of Grant’s assessment procedure for the funding of his handcycle from the British Royal Legion. It’s fantastic that Grant keeps popping back to cycle and chat with us, as well as continuing to support our charity alongside the Poppy Appeal. Here’s a photo that Grant took whilst on a cycle around where he lives:

News archive

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