Grant’s #twopointsixchallenge

Are you a participant, staff member, volunteer or supporter of Wheels for Wellbeing? If so, look no further – we are inviting you to take part in the #TwoPointSixChallenge! We hope to inspire and encourage more people to take part, whether it be cycling 2.6km, practicing yoga for 26 minutes or baking 26 cupcakes and decorating them in 2.6 minutes! To find out more about Wheels for Wellbeing’s #twopointsixchallenge (or to make a donation), please click here.

Grant is one of our regular participants, and when he found out about the #twopointsixchallenge he signed up immediately. His challenge was to cycle 26.2 miles on his handcycle, taking a route from his house in Penge, over to Crystal Palace via the cycle route, to Beckenham and Elmer’s End, and then back to Penge – which he successfully completed!

“I enjoy handcycling as it gives me the freedom to go to places. When I was struck off work and told that my life would change (which it has for the better), as a Veteran I wanted to keep fit. This was getting hard to do as my arthritis was getting worse than I thought it would, but then I noticed a sport for Disabled people: cycling with Wheels for Wellbeing. They are the ones who helped me to get where I am now – taking part in the Invictus Games, Warrior Games and Help for Heroes with other Disabled war veterans. I thank those at WfW for the help and opportunities.”

News archive

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Wheels for Wellbeing
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Crossfall – quick reference guide

Wheels for Wellbeing
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