Taking Action against Discriminatory Barriers

Two women cycling through a park on recumbent trikes

Webinar recording

Wheels for Wellbeing were delighted to work with Ryan Bradshaw from Leigh Day solicitors to offer this joint session on taking action against discriminatory barriers on 01/11/2023.

A recording of the session is available here

You will need the passcode: 9m^*zi*#

Further resources you may find helpful include:

Wheels for Wellbeing guidance sheets

DCAN – resources: quick guides, template letters, peer support (soon to be available on WfW website)

Sustrans barrier removal toolkit – useful for everyone looking to identify and remove barriers

Disability Justice Project Discrimination Guide on Physical Barriers – useful for finding out about litigation routes for barrier removal

Doug Paulley’s Disability Attitude Re-adjustment Tool (DART) – useful for finding out more information on litigation routes for barrier removal: Current version is 2017 – there have been some changes to civil court rules and practice directions, so be prepared to check details separately if using this guide – Reasonable Access have lots of further information.

Civil courts rules and practice directions – for up-to-date rules on civil cases.

Join DCAN for disabled cycle campaigning support:

Join DCAN here

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