‘Social Chat’ on Zoom

On Tuesday 14th April, our Herne Hill Session Manager Emma held Wheels for Wellbeing’s first ‘Social Chat’ on Zoom. 25 adult participants, support workers and family members who usually attend our Herne Hill sessions were invited to join a trial gathering. Although numbers were not as high as we hoped, the people who joined Emma, Isabelle (the Director), Geoff (a cycling instructor) and Sandra (our desk volunteer) had 40 minutes of chatting about what they’ve been up to, how life has changed and what they are doing instead.

We all learnt a little bit about each other that we hadn’t previously known! One of our participants joined us in his Easter Bunny costume, as he had planned to fundraise for Wheels during the Easter Bunny Ride at Herne Hill Velodrome on Easter Monday. He had been finding it hard to exercise, so we reminded him and his mum about our ‘Helping You Stay Active at Home!’ blog post. We found out that another participant attends bicycle maintenance sessions run by Mencap in Bromley when he’s not cycling with us! The group also had a lengthy discussion about the Prudential Ride London weekend, which is due to take place in mid-August.

Information about the Prudential RideLondon event can be found here: https://www.prudentialridelondon.co.uk. Should it take place, Wheels for Wellbeing will be involved, and so do get in touch if you’re interested in taking part or maybe even volunteering!

The ‘Social Chat’ was definitely a worthwhile venture, and so with that in mind we will be hosting a session every Monday for adults. Please email emma@wheelsforwellbeing.org.uk if you’re interested but don’t receive an invitation. Parents of children under 18: Would you be interested in having a social chat too?

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