‘Experiences of Disabled Cyclists’ 2021 annual survey

Update (24/08/2021): Our Survey closes on the 31st August, if you haven’t already done so please take a moment to share your experiences.

Our annual survey is back! Every 12 to 18 months, we collect information about the needs and experiences of Disabled cyclists, or Disabled people who wheel and cycle. We try to find out what you ride, why you cycle, the challenges you face, and the cycling opportunities you have access to. This survey is really important for several reasons:

  • It is the only national survey that focuses on the needs and experiences of Disabled cyclists
  • It is an annual survey: we can compare the results of this survey to previous ones, and see what’s changing – good and bad
  • It helps us with our campaign and advocacy work: all our campaigns are shaped by the lived experience of Disabled people, so we want to hear from you!

This year’s survey has an extra question on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and lockdowns. Individual and local authority responses to COVID-19 have had a significant impact on the number and type of people who cycle, leading to changes in our streets. We’d like to know how these changes have affected Disabled cyclists in particular.

The link to our survey is here (Microsoft Forms). If you’re a Disabled cyclist, or a Disabled person who sometimes cycles or wheels (or if you care for a Disabled cyclist), then we would love for you to respond. If you know other Disabled cyclists, it would be great if you could share our survey with them. The more responses we get, the louder we can shout about the results.

An Easy Read version of our survey can be accessed here:

If you have other accessibility needs, or would prefer a copy to print out, please contact us (info@wheelsforwellbeing.org.uk; 020 7346 8482). The survey is open until August 31st. It will take about 10-20 minutes to complete, depending on your responses. All the information you give will be anonymous, and you can leave the survey at any point.

If you love what Wheels for Wellbeing does, then please consider volunteering or making a regular donation, however large or small. Thank you for your support!

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