Pledging our support to the Cycling Marketing Board!

Wheels for Wellbeing is pleased to be announcing our involvement in the newly-formed Cycling Marketing Board!

The Cycling Marketing Board (CMB) has been created by Fusion Media. Its formation follows on from the high profile #BikeIsBest campaign last year, aimed at promoting cycling as a natural alternative to public transport for many during the pandemic.

The CMB is made up of the cycling industry, but will also be working in partnership with ourselves and many other cycling charities and campaign organisations, i.e. our friends over at Cycling UK, Sustrans, British Cycling, London Cycling Campaign, the Association of Cycle Traders and the Bikeability Trust. It will run bi-annual advertising campaigns to encourage more people to start cycling, which we are in full support of!

Here’s what founder CMB Adam Tranter has to say: “Many things need to happen to secure a cycling revolution in this country and we feel our very public advertising campaigns and advocacy work can have a significant role to play [

We’re so grateful for the support shown by the industry so far and are pleased to also be collaborating with key advocacy organisations to ensure a joined-up approach. We welcome brands who want to get involved and support the board’s efforts to get in touch; together we have the best chance of achieving long-term growth and success for cycling. It will benefit not only the industry but help improve our health and happiness and tackle air pollution, climate change and inactivity.”

We can’t wait to see what direction CMB takes in the coming months and years, as active travel provisions improve and more people start cycling!

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