Replacing birthday gifts with donations!

In January, someone who supports Wheels for Wellbeing celebrated her birthday. Instead of asking for gifts, she very generously asked friends and family members to make a donation to us! We received a fantastic total of £286.50, which could cover the costs of 14 Disabled people cycling at one of our sessions in Herne Hill, Croydon or Lewisham.

Thank you very much to everyone who donated, and of course our wonderful supporter for choosing Wheels for Wellbeing as her birthday charity!

Want some fundraising inspiration? Click here to see how else people have fundraised for Wheels for Wellbeing.

News archive

Work with us: Inclusive Cycle Mechanic

Wheels for Wellbeing
  Wheels for Wellbeing is a charity which exists to ensure that disabled and older people can share in the joy and many benefits of cycling. Since 2007, the charity…

E-Cycles, Fire Safety and Disabled People’s Mobility

Campaigning, My Cycle My Mobility Aid, Wheels for Wellbeing
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Gradients – quick reference guide

Wheels for Wellbeing
Download graphic version of this guide Download .docx version of this guide Download pdf version of this guide Measuring gradients: Key gradients for accessibility: Angles of essential gradients for public…

Crossfall – quick reference guide

Wheels for Wellbeing
Download graphic version of this guide Download .docx version of this guide Download pdf version of this guide Crossfall: Also called cross gradient, transverse gradient, camber, etc. For utility, we…

Wheels for Wellbeing Guide to Mobility Aids

Wheels for Wellbeing
1.              Introduction: These guide sheets are intended to help people work towards creating a more accessible public realm: Without clear definitions, it’s hard to communicate. Our aim is to enable…
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