Wheels for Wellbeing launch The Disabled Cycling Activists’ Network (DCAN)

Wheels for Wellbeing (WfW) are pleased to announce that DCAN, The Disabled Cycling Activists’ Network, is going live from today, 27th September 2022.

DCAN is an online forum, hosted on Discord, for Disabled cycling activists and their allies to create a nationwide peer network of campaigners and resources. Members have access to a library of resources including quick-reference guides to key transport policies and templates for writing complaints and freedom of information requests.

Screen shot of the resources page of the DCAN forum with a list of quick guides that members can download.
Once a member has started a campaign they can also get support from others in their local area through chatting on the regional forum and by logging their campaigning activities on the server. Wheels for Wellbeing will provide light-touch moderation of the forum and organise special events such as webinars or ride-outs, but DCAN is owned and led by its members.

Kay Inckle, Campaigns and Policy Manager at WfW said: “This is a really fantastic opportunity for Disabled cyclists from around the country to connect, share resources, campaign, and make cycling better for everybody.”

Kate Ball, DCAN Member said: “I’m really excited about DCAN: It’s great to have the chance to meet up with other people working to improve access to cycling and to learn from what’s going on all over the country. The more we work together, the more we can do to change infrastructure and attitudes around cycling for the better.”

Disabled cyclists and their supporters can join DCAN via this link https://discord.gg/4mAACdns7b. They should log into the #general room and then let admin know their location so they can have additional access to their regional server. We look forward to seeing you there!

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