Thinking about shared bus stop boarders

This sheet is to aid discussion in accessible design for Disabled people walking/wheeling, cycling, using public transport & private vehicles

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Image: A shared bus stop boarder. On the right, a red bus with a manual wheelchair and long cane user coming out onto the narrow buffer strip. To the left of the island is a cycle lane with a wide controlled crossing. A cyclist is waiting at the crossing. To the left of the cycle lane is a pavement with a bus shelter. A person is standing waiting at the bus shelter and another is riding a mobility scooter away.
Labels on the image: Footway width? Street furniture & sight lines? Drainage, cleaning & maintenance? Shelter design? Tactile paving. Signage & Controls? Colour contrasts? Buffer dimensions? Cycle lane width? Gradients? Island dimensions? Stop type audio alerts on bus. Kerb shapes, heights & materials?
The Wheels for Wellbeing logo and My Cycle, My Mobility Aid logo are in the bottom right corner.

Shared bus stop boarders – key points

  • Installed on roads with cycle lanes and low pedestrian/cycle flows, where designers decide there is not space for a bus stop bypass. Continuous protected cycle lanes are required where carriageways are unsafe for inclusive cycling. IF a shared bus stop boarder is being considered:
  1. Cycle movement must stop while people board/alight buses;
  2. Step free pavement edge onto boarder must be detectable, with continuous tactile paving;
  3. Kerbs other than at crossing point must be detectable (>60mm);
  4. Cycle lane widths, gradients, turns and kerbs must be accessible for Disabled cyclists, including those using non-standard cycles.
  5. Consider providing cycle lane exit for faster, risk-tolerant cyclists to use carriageway at boarder while other cyclists wait until bus passengers finish using the shared space part of the cycle lane.

This is a discussion sheet, and does not imply support for any specific infrastructure design or category of designs. Wheels for Wellbeing call for inclusive consultation with Disabled people to ensure public space designs are accessible for everyone.


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