Thinking about bus stop bypasses

This sheet is to aid discussion in accessible design for Disabled people walking/wheeling, cycling, using public transport & private vehicles

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Image: A bus stop bypass. On the right, a red bus with a powerchair user going in up a ramp. A woman using a rollator accompanying two children and a bus shelter are also on the bus stop island. To the left of the island is a cycle lane with a wide zebra crossing, which has tactile paving along both sides. A tricyclist is riding on the cycle lane. To the left of the cycle lane is a pavement. A person on a mobility scooter and a person with a guide dog are on the pavement. Labels on the image ask: Footway width? Street furniture & sight lines? Drainage, cleaning & maintenance? Shelter design & position? Crossing depth and type? Tactile paving. Signage? Controls? Colour contrasts? Cycle lane width? Gradients? Island dimensions? Stop type audio alerts on bus. Kerb shapes, heights and materials? The Wheels for Wellbeing and My Cycle My Mobility Aid logos are in the bottom right corner

Bus stop bypasses – key points

Also known as floating bus stops. Installed on roads with cycle lanes. Continuous protected cycle lanes are required where carriageways are unsafe for inclusive cycling. IF a bus stop bypass is being considered:

  1. Bus stop island must be wide enough for all Disabled people to manoeuvre safely, including on & off bus ramp & through shelters;
  2. Step-free accessible crossing must be big enough to allow flexible desire line movement for bus users, & must require cyclists to give way;
  3. Kerbs other than at crossing points must be detectable (>60mm);
  4. Clear sight lines and space to road junctions are needed so cyclists can give way to pedestrians;
  5. Cycle lane widths, gradients, turns and kerbs must be accessible for Disabled cyclists, including those using non-standard cycles.

This is a discussion sheet, and does not imply support for any specific infrastructure design or category of designs. Wheels for Wellbeing call for inclusive consultation with Disabled people to ensure public space designs are accessible for everyone.

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