The trip of a lifetime: 421adventure

World travellers, cycling fanatics and all-round wonderful couple Aurelie & Marco have done something amazing over the past 2 years. Known as 421adventure, they flew to Finland in April 2018 and started to cycle around the world, fundraising for Wheels for Wellbeing along the way!

Aurelie & Marco have seen it all, from cycling through the mountains of Pakistan to experiencing lockdown in Thailand. What’s more amazing is that they ended up raising an incredible £3,546.20 for Wheels for Wellbeing!

Here’s why they chose to support us: “Fundraising for Wheels for Wellbeing was an easy decision for us; we immediately felt that we both believe in the power of the bicycle and that everyone should have the possibility to use it. Wheels for Wellbeing is also very politically active to make cycling accessible to anyone. We believe [the organisation] is a source of inspiration to the world and this is why we want to support [it].”

Due to current circumstances, Aurelie & Marco were required to cut their global trip short, but not without planning a unique and exciting finale. With the help of their friend Olly, they planned a weekend event at the end of August, involving a (socially distanced) group cycling from London to Brighton with some sightseeing pitstops along the way. Unfortunately, the 14-day self-isolation period meant that Aurelie & Marco could not attend the fundraising finale, but Olly still went ahead with it and raised a further £2,397.32!

We’re so grateful to Aurelie & Marco, for involving Wheels for Wellbeing in their fundraising efforts over the past 2 years. We can’t wait to invite them to one of our cycling sessions once they restart, so that they can see first-hand how they have helped our mission to provide cycling opportunities to Disabled people across south London!

Connect with 421 Adventure on social media!

News archive

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Wheels for Wellbeing
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Crossfall – quick reference guide

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