TfL has recently updated their FREE Cycle Skills online course, which features a range of non-standard cycles for the very first time!
Wheels for Wellbeing was involved throughout the course update process. Heidi, our Campaigns & Policy Officer, and Isabelle, our Director, audited previous course contents and provided suggestions on making the course language and imagery more inclusive throughout, and pointed to where cycle skills advice needed to be adjusted for riders of three wheeled or recumbent cycles. Emma, our Session Manager, arranged for our participants to be filmed cycling (both at sessions in Herne Hill and on led rides through south London).
The updated course content includes a video with information about the many types of non-standard cycles, and each modules includes links to finding out more about inclusive cycling!
We have provided some snippets of the Cycle Skills course below, which we encourage you to complete – (EXTRA BONUS: upon completing the course you will receive a 15% off code to spend on Halfords Cycle Helmets, Halfords Cycle Lights and Halfords Cycle Locks!)

“Different types of cycles provide a range of benefits depending on your needs and journey requirements […] If you are riding a cycle which requires you to balance, only put your foot down when you have come to a stop. If you’re riding a three-wheeled cycle, you won’t need to do this as it will remain upright when you stop.”

“Remember, if you are using a cycle with a lower riding position, for example on a hand cycle or recumbent cycle, it may be harder for a driver to see you.”

“Remember, if your group also includes a mix of cycle types, ensure that cyclists riding lower types of cycles are positioned to the front or in between higher riders.”

“There are a wide range of non-standard cycles you can buy or hire to suit your needs and those of your family.”

“Why not attend one of the many cycle sessions held across the city to try out new cycle types, increase your confidence and get the most out of London’s Cycleways? You will find a link to the courses available at the end of this module.”

Isabelle Clement, our Director says: “We’ve suggested that the course could usefully, in the future, include an in-depth module specifically about road handling skills for users of three-wheeled cycles, for example. But we’re thrilled that TfL took the opportunity of this course refresh to ensure that Disabled people were represented as cyclists at the core of this mainstream course”.
Sign up to the course by clicking here: (and remember to claim your 15% off code to spend on Halfords Cycle Helmets, Halfords Cycle Lights and Halfords Cycle Locks!)