CFE Research, with Disability Rights UK, Wheels for Wellbeing and Professor Brett Smith from Durham University, are doing this research on behalf of British Cycling and Sport England. They are inviting Disabled adults, those with long-term health conditions, and carers, parents or support workers of Disabled people to have their say about cycling.

Ultimately, CFE Research is looking to learn more about why Disabled people and those with long-term health conditions do or do not cycle, and what might encourage people to start cycling or cycle more.
They’re interested in all kinds of cycling! For example: riding a bicycle, handcycle, trike, tandem, recumbent, side-by-side, wheelchair tandem; cycling on the road or in a park; cycling independently or with the support of others; whether you own or are hiring/borrowing your cycle. Or perhaps you are riding to train for an event or a fundraising ride. CFE Research is truly interested in all the different ways people might cycle currently, want to cycle, or have cycled in the past.
So if you answer ‘yes’ to any of the following questions, then CFE Research would love to hear your thoughts!
- Do you currently cycle, either for travel or fun?
- Did you cycle in the past, but don’t anymore?
- Have you never cycled, but would love to give it a go?
- Are you a carer to a Disabled person who cycles or would like to cycle?
To register as a research participant, please visit and fill in the online form to let CFE Research know a few things about yourself. They may then ask you to take part in a short interview (by video, telephone, email or any format you prefer).
Please note that CFE Research won’t be able to speak to everyone who fills in the form, but if they do invite you to take part and you complete the interview in your preferred format, then they will send you a £20 high street shopping voucher to thank you for your time.
You can learn more about the research here.
An Easy Read version of the research information is available here.