Survey of Disabled cyclists 2019

Wheels for Wellbeing is running its annual survey of Disabled cyclists to find out about the latest needs and experiences of Disabled people who cycle. The data we collect will be used to inform our ongoing policy and campaigning work, and will help to strengthen the voice of Disabled cyclists in the UK.

You can take part as a Disabled cyclist, or on behalf of a Disabled cyclist (e.g. if you are a parent/guardian/carer of a Disabled person). If you are blind or visually impaired and cannot take the survey online, please call us on 020 7346 8482 and we would be happy to assist over the phone.

Please fill out our survey here. Thank you for taking part!

Wheels for Wellbeing works tirelessly to overcome barriers to cycling for Disabled people, from the delivery of campaigns to the provision of local inclusive cycling sessions. As a small charity, our work would not be possible without the support of wonderful people like you.

Please consider donating to us at Alternatively, for any fundraising-related queries please contact

News archive

Learn to Cycle, Cycle to Learn : Sessions in Education

Blogs, Cycling Stories, Wheels for Wellbeing
#InclusiveCycling sessions build meaningful partnerships with schools and their students This is the fifth article in our new series which explores every aspect of our London-based cycle sessions and led rides.…

Cycle Stories: Lucie and Brooke

Blogs, Cycling Stories
Stories from those who cycle with us This is the fourth article in our new series which explores every aspect of our London-based cycle sessions and led rides. Since our…

Cycle Stories: Em and Ben

Blogs, Cycling Stories
Stories from those who cycle with us This is the third article in our new series which explores every aspect of our London-based cycle sessions and led rides. Since our…

Sharing Session Instructor Insights

Blogs, Cycling Stories
WfW instructors help people to cycle more easily and more often. Here are some of the insights they’ve gleaned from working with our attendees. This is the second article in…
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