Behind the scenes: restarting sessions soon!

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Behind the scenes, Wheels for Wellbeing and the venues we deliver our cycling sessions at are preparing to re-open. Emma, who’s one of our Session Managers, popped to Herne Hill Velodrome last Monday and returned with some good news: the Velodrome is finally improving its entrance by re-tarmacking the surface!

Our sessions won’t be the same as they were before, however. The UK Government’s current guidelines say we can meet outdoors with a group of up to 6 people from different households, as long as social distancing is observed (i.e. staying 2 metres away from anyone from outside your household or support bubble). This means that at the moment, we can only plan to have 6 people on the track at one time – significantly different to how our open sessions were before lockdown! If you haven’t done so already, please do get in touch with Emma (her email at the top of this post) if you’re chomping at the bit to get back cycling…especially respite centres, care homes etc!

One of the great things about lockdown is that those who have had the opportunity to cycle have probably done more-so than they would otherwise. Dayo, who’s one of our regular Social Chat attendees, was inspired by Emma’s cycle to Walthamstow Wetlands and took his client Daniel on a 35-mile-long bike ride – Lea Valley and the surrounding area is fantastic to cycle in. However, there was a slight problem for Dayo: horses. As soon as Daniel saw them when they cycled past a horse riding centre, he wanted to go horse riding!

There are a few cycle routes in London, some of which are favourites among the Wheels for Wellbeing team. This includes Route 21 of Sustrans’ National Cycle Network and Waterlink Way. Do you have a favourite cycling or walking route in London? If you do, we would love to hear about it!

Here is a photo of William, one of our Herne Hill participants who has been out cycling during lockdown:

News archive

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