Cycling UK’s Pumped Up Portraits

Cycling UK has done some fantastic work recently, including being super supportive of Wheels for Wellbeing – even more-so than usual!


“Handcycling: new opportunities and familiar obstacles”

Last month our Director Isabelle Clement starred in a Cycling UK feature article alongside Ellis Palmer, whose cycling story we published back in May (you can read it here).

In the Cycling UK article, Isabelle spoke about how increasing numbers of people have been able to cycle during lockdown, whether more than usual or for the very first time. This is because of the many measures taken to create “pop-up” walking and cycling infrastructure and the creation of designated traffic-free zones.

She then went on to talk about the 2 main barriers that prevent Disabled people from being able to cycle: cost and accessibility. Isabelle uses a handcycle, which can cost between £5,000 and £10,000 – something that many Disabled people simply cannot afford. Also, most existing cycling infrastructure hasn’t been designed with Disabled people in mind, meaning that they can’t always make the most of their local area by cycle. With a lot of campaigning however, she hopes that cycling infrastructure going forward will be developed in accordance with the additional accessibility needs of Disabled people!

Read the full article here.


Cycling UK’s Pumped Up Portraits

Cycling UK has recently launched a mini-site called “Pumped Up Portraits”, and we really love the project message! 50 cyclists have been profiled, with each person briefly speaking about their own experiences as a way to encourage others to take it up for exercise, leisure and/oror travel.

Some of our favourite portraits are:

  • Ben Goldstein (pictured below), who started out as one of our participants at the Herne Hill cycling sessions before becoming our Desk Volunteer.
  • Ellis Palmer, who as we have mentioned above was featured on our website back in May, having discovered the joy of cycling during lockdown with the purchase of his shiny new handcycle.
  • Ken Talbot, who was a member of Cycling UK’s “Cycling for everybody” panel discussion last month, alongside our Director Isabelle (you can watch the webinar here).

Click here to see all 50 “Pumped Up Portraits” here.


We can’t wait to see what else Cycling UK has in store, and how we can continue working together to make cycling something that everybody can enjoy!

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