Interested in volunteering? Meet Paul!

Love cycling, volunteering and small charities? Look no further!

We are looking for new volunteers to help out at our inclusive cycling sessions in south London. We deliver 5 sessions every week (Croydon, Lewisham and Southwark), all of which are run by an incredible team of session managers, cycling instructors and volunteers. Their support enables around 1,200 Disabled people to experience the joy of cycling every year – often for the first time!

Meet Paul, one of our Croydon volunteers:

“I have volunteered for Wheels for Wellbeing as a meet and greet volunteer for the past two years and have enjoyed every moment. WFW is an amazing charity and I wanted to give something back to the community and help make a difference to the people around them. You get to meet so many inspirational people who attend the session both participants and their family/carers. Everyone comes with a smile on their face which always makes me smile. The WFW team are very welcoming and have made me feel part for the team from day one. I always look forward to the session come rain or shine.”

Interested in signing up as a volunteer? Please click here to see the various opportunities Wheels for Wellbeing has to offer, and to complete a volunteer registration form.

News archive

Who’s crossing whose crossing?

Wheels for Wellbeing
Download this discussion sheet in Word format Download this discussion sheet in pdf format This discussion sheet considers: What crossings are, The basic options for managing crossing points, A range…

Work with us: Inclusive Cycle Mechanic

Wheels for Wellbeing
  Wheels for Wellbeing is a charity which exists to ensure that disabled and older people can share in the joy and many benefits of cycling. Since 2007, the charity…

E-Cycles, Fire Safety and Disabled People’s Mobility

Campaigning, My Cycle My Mobility Aid, Wheels for Wellbeing
Download this briefing: E-cycles and fire safety full briefing in Word format E-cycles and fire safety full briefing in pdf format At Wheels for Wellbeing we’re very concerned that organisations…

Gradients – quick reference guide

Wheels for Wellbeing
Download graphic version of this guide Download .docx version of this guide Download pdf version of this guide Measuring gradients: Key gradients for accessibility: Angles of essential gradients for public…

Crossfall – quick reference guide

Wheels for Wellbeing
Download graphic version of this guide Download .docx version of this guide Download pdf version of this guide Crossfall: Also called cross gradient, transverse gradient, camber, etc. For utility, we…
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