
Wheels for Wellbeing is offering a cycle hire scheme for participants until the sessions restart. If you would like to find out more, please contact

Lyndsay, who has cerebral palsy and now uses her wheelchair full-time, has hired a handcycle to use during the lockdown. As she can no longer use a 2-wheel bicycle, Lyndsay says that it has been a real pleasure to have the choice of cycling again. She lives in the countryside and has really enjoyed being back on the road, especially when the sun’s out. Lyndsay also claims to have exercised more during lockdown than she has ever since taking part in the London 2012 Paralympic Games opening and closing ceremonies! After cycling, Lyndsay’s arms feel that they’ve had a very good workout, and she has been able to benefit from the fresh air with her 5-year-old son George and husband, who cycle on their bikes alongside her.

Lyndsay’s only challenge has been the hills, and so she’s tried quite a few different routes with her husband. She also says that as the handcycle positions her quite low down, it can be a bit daunting when a big truck drives past. Despite this, she still loves the speed and freedom of cycling!

News archive

Learn to Cycle, Cycle to Learn : Sessions in Education

Blogs, Cycling Stories, Wheels for Wellbeing
#InclusiveCycling sessions build meaningful partnerships with schools and their students This is the fifth article in our new series which explores every aspect of our London-based cycle sessions and led rides.…

Cycle Stories: Lucie and Brooke

Blogs, Cycling Stories
Stories from those who cycle with us This is the fourth article in our new series which explores every aspect of our London-based cycle sessions and led rides. Since our…

Cycle Stories: Em and Ben

Blogs, Cycling Stories
Stories from those who cycle with us This is the third article in our new series which explores every aspect of our London-based cycle sessions and led rides. Since our…

Sharing Session Instructor Insights

Blogs, Cycling Stories
WfW instructors help people to cycle more easily and more often. Here are some of the insights they’ve gleaned from working with our attendees. This is the second article in…
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