With UK Government lockdown restrictions easing up, Disabled people are finally able to start exercising once again, with many of our participants telling us just how much they look forward to rebuilding their fitness levels to how they were pre-pandemic. Wheels for Wellbeing is ready and eager to return to full capacity – though all of our exciting cycling activities are subject to funding!
We have so many projects and activities going on at any one time, and now more than ever, fundraising is crucial to ensuring our survival beyond the pandemic. We rely on the ongoing support of generous funders and individual donors, including those who come up with fantastic fundraising challenges and commitments.
Clubs and businesses often ask us: “What can we do to help?” Not everyone can commit to volunteering at our sessions, but fundraising support is equally valuable!!
Something we are always trying to get across is the fact that adaptive cycles are costly. This isn’t just in terms of buying the cycle in the first place, but also the maintenance of cycles… after all, specialist cycles require specialist parts.
With this in mind, Wheels for Wellbeing is excited to launch its brand-new ‘Sponsor a Cycle’ scheme! You may have heard of “adopt a penguin” and “adopt a snow leopard” schemes; well, this is your chance to give your support for any one of our 250+ adaptive cycles. Trikes, recumbents, companion cycles, tandems…there are so many types of cycles up for sponsorship!
The introduction of the scheme has been a success so far, with Balham Cycling Club signing up as our very first sponsor after donating £400 to Wheels for Wellbeing last month! They chose a tandem trike and have named it Huntley (you can learn more about the story behind the name here).
We’d like to give a huge thank you to Balham Cycling Club, for supporting Wheels for Wellbeing with an extremely generous donation – and of course, for helping us get the ball rolling with the ‘Sponsor a Cycle’ scheme!
If you would like to fundraise on behalf of Wheels for Wellbeing and get involved in the ‘Sponsor a Cycle’ scheme, then please email our Fundraising Officer via liz@wheelsforwellbeing.org.uk today!

If you love what Wheels for Wellbeing does, then please consider volunteering or making a regular donation, however large or small. Thank you for your support!