Launch of new Guide to Inclusive Cycling

Wheels for Wellbeing today (27 June) launched the latest edition of its flagship Guide to Inclusive Cycling.

Speaking at the Velo City conference in Dublin this morning, Isabelle Clement, Director of Wheels for Wellbeing, revealed the second iteration of the charity’s widely-regarded publication. First published in 2017, the Guide has proved so popular with transport professionals and campaigners that the inclusive cycling charity decided to refresh the document in time for today’s international gathering of cycling experts – something it has been working on over the past six months.

The revamped Guide to Inclusive Cycling, which is thought to be the only one of its kind anywhere in the world, encapsulates Wheels for Wellbeing’s continued campaigning efforts to identify and remove all barriers to cycling for Disabled people. The Guide sets out the basic principles of inclusive cycling and features real-life case studies, technical recommendations and policy suggestions. As well as providing a comprehensive definition of inclusive cycling, the Guide has four main themes, looking at how cycle infrastructure, cycling facilities and cycle networks can be made fully accessible, and how recognition and awareness of cycling by Disabled people can be improved.

It is Wheels for Wellbeing’s ambition that the principles and recommendations set out in the Guide continue to be used and applied by practitioners countrywide, and internationally, bringing about the charity’s vision of cycling equality for Disabled people.

Isabelle Clement, Director of Wheels for Wellbeing, said:

“We’re thrilled to be launching the latest version of our Guide to Inclusive Cycling today, which is the culmination of years of new thinking, collaboration and ideas. We look forward to seeing our recommendations manifesting into real outcomes, visibly transforming the infrastructure we see around us – that is where this document will make the biggest difference to the lives of Disabled people”

Xavier Brice, CEO for Sustrans, the walking and cycling charity, said:

“We very much welcome this new Guide and hope it will transform cycling for disabled people as well as for other groups who are neglected in cycling. Evidence from our Bike Life report shows that 33% of disabled people would like to start cycling, however, like so many of us, they need protected infrastructure and paths away from car traffic.

Sustrans is working with Wheels for Wellbeing and other partners to improve the National Cycle Network, including removing 16,000 barriers, to help everyone, regardless of their age and abilities, enjoy the benefits of walking and cycling, access the outdoors and everyday amenities. We urge transport professionals to embrace the recommendations set out in the Guide and the huge social, environmental and health benefits that inclusive cycling can bring”

Dr Rachel Aldred, Reader in Transport, University of Westminster, said:

“Great to see this new edition of the Guide to Inclusive Cycling. The Guide is invaluable both in terms of specific details (like infrastructure specifications to accommodate different types of cycle) and in the broader goal of ensuring Disabled cyclists are considered in policy and planning”


Notes to editors:

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