Introducing our new Administrator – Nonki

Nonki will be focused on Administration. Helping to make sure the booking system is smooth and user friendly. She’ll also be helping out with finance admin, HR and supporting our operations teams.

Before joining Wheels for Wellbeing Nonki worked for 10 years in adventure playgrounds – the last 5 at an inclusive adventure playground in Stockwell. She was the inclusion project manager for 2 years and the head of access and inclusion for the last 6 months focused on increasing access for disabled children and young people. Experience that will come in very handy when she’s supporting our attendees booking their cycling sessions. Nonki did a lot of work around supported volunteering for disabled young adults. She says “My passion in that work was for championing the value of free play and especially child led play. I love adventurous play, the history of adventure playgrounds and the potential they have for being inclusive community spaces.”

Nonki also spent 3 years running her own tea-room/tea themed cocktail bar in Brixton Market with her sister and spent a bit of time working in music, touring the UK and little but of Europe as a PA/tour manager. A claim to fames is that she got to sit on Beyonce’s tour bus once! Although Beyonce wasn’t there at the time sadly.

Nonki’s early experience of inclusive cycling was when she worked as a PA to a Disabled adult who had a Roam side-by-side that they used to cycle around south London. Once getting stuck cycling up the hill to Dulwich Park, which is easy to do if you’ve ever attempted that hill.

Nonki is now studying part-time for an MA at Goldsmiths in Social Anthropology and says of her role at WfW “I’m especially happy to be working for an organisation that is still local to the areas I have been working in for the last decade. It’s been really lovely already to see names of people I’ve worked with some of whom I knew 10 years ago!

News archive

Guide to Inclusive Cycle Parking

Wheels for Wellbeing
This version published 07/03/2025 Download this guide in Word format Download this guide in pdf format 1.   Introduction Wheels for Wellbeing’s guides provide an overview of good-practice standards for accessible…

Common kerb profiles

Wheels for Wellbeing
Download this guide as a Word document Download this guide as a pdf A.   Introduction This guide sheet describes and compares a range of common kerb profiles, including where they…

Learn to Cycle, Cycle to Learn : Sessions in Education

Blogs, Cycling Stories, Wheels for Wellbeing
#InclusiveCycling sessions build meaningful partnerships with schools and their students This is the fifth article in our new series which explores every aspect of our London-based cycle sessions and led rides.…

Cycle Stories: Lucie and Brooke

Blogs, Cycling Stories
Stories from those who cycle with us This is the fourth article in our new series which explores every aspect of our London-based cycle sessions and led rides. Since our…

Cycle Stories: Em and Ben

Blogs, Cycling Stories
Stories from those who cycle with us This is the third article in our new series which explores every aspect of our London-based cycle sessions and led rides. Since our…
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