Friends of WfWB

As part of our 10th Birthday celebrations, we are launching our “Friends of Wheels for Wellbeing” scheme!

Become a Friend of Wheels for Wellbeing and help remove barriers to cycling for disabled and older people. Wheels for Wellbeing supports disabled people to enjoy the many benefits of cycling including improved physical and mental health and increased confidence.

Become a friend for a year for just £10. You will receive an exclusive Friend of Wheels for Wellbeing waterproof sticker – perfect for sticking on your bike – and a Friends’ Yearly Update about Wheels for Wellbeing.

Every penny raised through this scheme will support our work bringing cycling opportunities to disabled people in South London and campaigning for inclusive cycling internationally.
The scheme will be launched very soon, watch this space!

For more info or to express your interest in becoming a friend please email

News archive

Guide to Inclusive Cycle Parking

Wheels for Wellbeing
This version published 07/03/2025 Download this guide in Word format Download this guide in pdf format 1.   Introduction Wheels for Wellbeing’s guides provide an overview of good-practice standards for accessible…

Common kerb profiles

Wheels for Wellbeing
Download this guide as a Word document Download this guide as a pdf A.   Introduction This guide sheet describes and compares a range of common kerb profiles, including where they…

Learn to Cycle, Cycle to Learn : Sessions in Education

Blogs, Cycling Stories, Wheels for Wellbeing
#InclusiveCycling sessions build meaningful partnerships with schools and their students This is the fifth article in our new series which explores every aspect of our London-based cycle sessions and led rides.…

Cycle Stories: Lucie and Brooke

Blogs, Cycling Stories
Stories from those who cycle with us This is the fourth article in our new series which explores every aspect of our London-based cycle sessions and led rides. Since our…

Cycle Stories: Em and Ben

Blogs, Cycling Stories
Stories from those who cycle with us This is the third article in our new series which explores every aspect of our London-based cycle sessions and led rides. Since our…
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