Croydon Vision Session

Croydon Vision session with WfW

Children and their families from Croydon Vision had so much fun when cycling with us on Saturday, 13th May 2017. It was a well spent afternoon for all of them.

Session with Croydon Vision Children was organised by Alan Whetherly, charity’s children and young people’s development worker, who was looking for activities that, once tried out, families could engage in in their spare time. He contacted Wheels for Wellbeing and we got a session for the group organised at Croydon Sports Arena.

Everybody said it was much fun and as a result of this one session we’re also organising three sessions in July (9th and 23rd) and August (6th) for VI people, in partnership with Croydon Vision. If you would like more details, please email

If you’re thinking of organising a bespoke session for your group, also do get in touch and we can discuss the details.

Below are some pictures from the children’s session in May. You can see more on Croydon Vision Children Facebook page.

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