JOINT STATEMENT: “COVID-19 and the Rights of Disabled People”

Wheels for Wellbeing has teamed up with fellow Disabled People’s Organisations and Allies to support the “COVID-19 and the Rights of Disabled People” open statement. As well as being shared far and wide online, DRUK has sent the statement to Matt Hancock (SS for Health and Social Care), Nadhim Zahawi (Vaccine Rollout Health Minister) and Simon Stevens (NHS CEO).

Open Statement from Disabled People’s Organisations and Allies (February 2021)

Coronavirus has hit disabled people hard. 60% of deaths from coronavirus have been those of Disabled People.

Disabled People have struggled to access healthcare, social care and food and many have been left without the £20 weekly uplift given to those on Universal Credit.

We ask Government and the NHS to recognise the enormous impact of coronavirus on the lives of Disabled People.  

We urge Government and NHS to respond more urgently to protect disabled people from coronavirus.

We ask that the needs of Disabled People are met in more personalised and accessible ways.

In particular, we urge that action be taken to ensure that:

  • The letter to 1.7 million new shielders and 2.2 million existing shielders is sent in plain English and accessible formats and that sources of information and support are provided both digitally and non-digitally.
  • Everyone who has a learning disability or who is autistic or has a cognitive impairment is included in priority group 6, to ensure early vaccination.
  • Disabled People of working age living in residential accommodation or hospitals are included in priority group 6, to ensure early vaccination.
  • Disabled People know that they can contact their doctor for advice on whether they should be included in priority vaccination group 6.
  • Everyone with a learning disability or who is autistic or has a cognitive impairment has their health records checked, to ensure that any wrongful Do Not Attempt Resuscitation Notices are removed.

Signed by:

Ability Consultancy (NW)
Breakthrough UK
British Association for Supported Employment
Business Disability Forum
DIAL West Cheshire
Disability Equality (NW)
Disability North
Disability Positive
Disability Rights UK
Dyspraxia Foundation
Learning Disability England
Living Options Devon
MS Society
SPECTRUM Centre for Independent Living
Together Trust
TSSA – Disability Working Group
Wheels for Wellbeing
Wiltshire Centre for Independent Living
WSH BME Network

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