Thanks to our Brightwayz friends!

Our friends over at Brightwayz have been extremely kind to Wheels for Wellbeing this year. After some London cyclists created a “Road Open to…” sign to enable clearer cycling routes during lockdown, Brightwayz collaborated with them for wider distribution, with 10% of all sale proceeds being donated to us!

Our Director Isabelle has said the following: “…As an organisation that works alongside cycling campaigners across the UK, advocating for more accessible active travel infrastructure and networks, we’re so pleased to see that Brightwayz has collaborated with some London cyclists who created the sign – and all for the benefit of local communities!”

Want to buy the “Road Open to…” sign? Click here!

News archive

Gradients – quick reference guide

Wheels for Wellbeing
Download graphic version of this guide Download .docx version of this guide Download pdf version of this guide Measuring gradients: Key gradients for accessibility: Angles of essential gradients for public…

Crossfall – quick reference guide

Wheels for Wellbeing
Download graphic version of this guide Download .docx version of this guide Download pdf version of this guide Crossfall: Also called cross gradient, transverse gradient, camber, etc. For utility, we…

Wheels for Wellbeing Guide to Mobility Aids

Wheels for Wellbeing
1.              Introduction: These guide sheets are intended to help people work towards creating a more accessible public realm: Without clear definitions, it’s hard to communicate. Our aim is to enable…
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